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Kayla + Nathan

Behind "Sweet Lights Company", are just two individuals with passions

Hi, we are Kayla & Nathan. We are the owners and operators of Sweet Lights Company.

Our company grew from an idea, but before we get into that, we need to properly introduce ourselves.

Kayla is a small town Newfoundlander who grew up on the east coast of Newfoundland in Bonavista Bay. Kayla studied cosmetology in 2014 and loved everything about the industry but felt she always needed more. Trends tend to be very exhausting, doing the same haircut 10 times a day can be very boring. She dabbled her way through multiple industries but always found her way back to customer service. Moving from Newfoundland in 2016, there were no plans, just a change of pace. Nathan had different plans.

Nathan grew up just outside of Stratford in Mitchell, Ontario and found his love of woodworking in High School. He went off to college and continued the woodworking journey but after college and having a child, passion needed to take a step back so that he could provide a life for his newborn and make sure all his needs were met. Nathan dabbled in many money making fields but always felt he needed something more. In 2021, he took an employment opportunity building tables which is where he wanted to be, back in woodworking.


In 2017, Nathan stocked Kayla.

Just kidding, kinda lol.

2017 was the year we fell in love, and have been inseparable ever since. We both, have always been motivating each other to try new things and learn what makes you happy.

Fortunately, There was not just one man in Kayla's life, she also gained an amazing son along the way. Xander is a big part of our "why" behind Sweet Lights Company.

Sweet Lights Company was born

As we said previously, Sweet Lights Company was born from an idea. Many ideas to be exact.

Kayla bought a cricut on Black Friday in 2020 and began making signs, some for home, some for gifts but they overtook our small apartment quickly.

Nathan wanted to make cutting boards, mainly for our home but how many cutting boards do one person need?

We both LOVED - and still love - candles, it was an obsession, but as covid hit and the sanitizing multiplied to protect our family we realized half of our allergies were from the chemicals around our home. Candles was one thing that was hard to give up. We both struggled with this decision for so long. Finally, after some through research, we realized candles are not that hard to make. Originally, our reason was to only make them for ourselves and family and friends but it grew into an obsession very very quickly. Kayla had the bright idea (newly engaged) that making wedding favors for our wedding was a good idea so we really needed to perfect our candles so that our guests do not have issues with burning them.

We found ourselves overwhelmed with candles signs and cutting boards. So, scrolling through Facebook we noticed that Wellesley was hosting a Christmas Market. Since we could literally look out our window and see the community center where it was being held we thought why not just apply and see what happens?

Our first market ever - we signed up AND got accepted! We had no expectations considering we have never participated in a market before. It was phenomenal! All our products were a hit and we couldn't of been more thrilled!

This really put our brains to work, we created a brand that we loved and thrived to grow. We also wanted to show Xander that dreams can become a reality, if you put the work in and make it happen.

Since opening, Xander has also added his own magic touch to our business, he started making keychains and necklaces, which is always a hit for kids!